I have always wanted to be an army spy or something cool like that.
When I look at getting survival gear I am attracted to the tactical
style. I think I look legit and it makes me feel invincible. There's
only one problem. I look legit.
The problem with looking like a
legit tactical expert is you will stand out from the crowd. You will
appear to have the right and the best survival gear known to man. That
means those who do not have any gear will come to you for yours. So how
can we still be a tactical survival expert without standing out like a
sore thumb?
Be the Gray Man
This is a
survivalist term that means to blend in. Camouflage does not only mean
wearing desert or woodland gear. According to thefreedictionary.com,
Camouflage means "The concealing of personnel and equipment from an
enemy by making them appear as part of the natural surroundings." This
can mean a desert, a wooded area, or a crowd. How do you blend into a
crowd? What camouflage is there for a crowd? Try to look like everyone
else. That way when people scan the crowd their brain doesn't pick out
your weird dress code. Why is that guy wearing so much woodland camo?
This is a tough thing to do. I find I really want to look
cool and super prepped. The problem is I will walk around with a target
on my back. So what can we do to accomplish becoming the gray man?
No logos. The number 1 goal is not only to blend in, but to not create
stimulus in others. If you wear a Calgary flames hat it may also cause
someone to want to strike up a conversation about the last game.
Use common sense. Being the Gray Man will be different depending on
location. You will dress different if you are at a grocery store
compared to a college campus or a church. Know the area you are going to
and dress and act accordingly.
3. Know it will be difficult.
Being the Gray Man. The point is to "not be there." Human nature says
you want the attention. You want people to notice you. You want credit
for something. Even if you successfully achieve being the Gray Man, you
desire credit for it. You want to share your success with others. Being
the Gray Man means going against that and not seeking attention or
credit. It will be difficult.
4. It is a process. This is
something that takes time. There's not point in waking up one morning
deciding to be the Gray Man when you've shown everyone on your block
your gun collection. When SHTF, they are running to your house for
cover. It would have been better for you to simply disappear. No one
really knew too much about you. And that's good.
5. Lastly, it is
nearly impossible to achieve. That doesn't mean don't try. Just realize
it is impossible to actually be invisible. But let's do our best to
blend in. That way when the zombies come, we wont have to worry about
other people trying to kill us as well.