Monday 5 May 2014

Importance of a Mentor

We had our bishop come visit us in our home tonight. He wanted to get to know us and our situation better. During our conversation he gave us some advice on life. I'm not going to get into what advice he gave, but I think we should consider the importance of having a mentor for our lives.

Gabby and I started our own business. A perk of starting this business is it comes with mentors. Free ones at that! Can't get better than free. These mentors are helping us know where to step and what to do to get success out of our business. These mentors are mainly just for business topics, but not only can you have mentors for your business and financial life, you can also have them for your daily life.

These mentors can see your situation from a different perspective. It was nice to sit with our bishop and hear how he sees us from the outside. From someone that doesn't live this life. I think it's human nature to feel comfortable in our little circles and thus become robots. In other words, we can get set in our ways. Having a mentor that sees things from the outside can help us know when we are in a rut and remind us of our options.

I think the bishop tonight dispelled some things that I have convinced my self are true. I just feel it's always good to have a second opinion from someone not really benefiting from our lives. (you know what I mean). He has no real vested interest in whether we take his advice or not, he's just there to give it. Either choice affects him very little.

Anyways, I hope this isn't to scattered. I will say one thing that the bishop mentioned. Our goal should be happiness. Seek happiness. I realized that we often get so bogged down with everything going on in life and all the decisions we have to make that we forget what our true desire is; to be happy. What brings me happiness? What brings you happiness?

I don't really care if your mentor is a business professional, spiritual leader, or just a friend. Have someone you can talk to who can give you advice from how they see things from the outside. They aren't in your head, and thats a good thing.

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