Sunday, 22 June 2014

Your #1 asset

Sometimes I get to Sunday and think "shoot, I have a post to write". Ya that happens pretty much every Sunday. Blogging isn't as easy as I thought it was going to be. Some weeks I just don't think about much. I just go through the motions. It sounds very sad but I would bet everyone has those weeks, frequently. 

Anyways, onto the topic of the post. Your #1 asset. 

I heard this awhile back. I am quite sure it was at a leadership conference I went to...or I read it in a book, either way, the person was talking about assets and investing. When he asked the crowd what their number one asset was he heard shouts of "House, stocks, my business". None where correct. Our #1 asset is not the house that is rising in price, it's not the stocks or shares on the rise, it's not your own business. It's you.

You are your #1 asset. I hope you aren't disappointed but think about it. What should you invest most of your time, energy and money into. Would you invest it in your #2 asset? Your #3? No, your #1. The problem is people forget or don't see them selves as their #1 asset. What is going to make you the most money? You. What can get you the best ROI? You. If you don't invest in yourself, you will not become successful. 

How do you invest in your self? Do I mean to go on a shopping spree because it makes you feel on top of your world? No. 

Heres a question. How many of you read? What do you read? Fiction? Romance? Fantasy? How about self help books? "How to make friends and influence people", "The seven habits of highly effective people", "The compound effect", The scriptures. Why does the term "self help" sound wrong? Don't we all cringe a bit when we here that. "Hey, you should read this self help book". *eye roll*

But why not invest in our selves. Why not read about how to influence people and get what you want. Why not read about how to be better at organizing our time? 

Invest time in your self. You are your #1 asset. Take time every day to improve something about you. 15 minutes every day learning a new language, scripture study, or reading a self help book on better parenting. How can you make your self better? It's pretty funny, we would rather sit and watch a show about other people who made it work than actually going out and doing it ourselves.

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